Small towns of northern bearings sometimes found time to flood a low field, adding boundaries of wood panels to define the lines and curves of the rink. The process required patience over several days, applying thin layers of water to freeze, build up then wait and repeat. Patience and timing were deemed necessary in attaining an even sheen free of cracks and deformities, it was a pursuit for the perfect sheet of ice.
Finally the day arrived pulling occupants of brick, wood and stone away from their place of work or habitation. With anticipation they teemed along a narrow path past rows of tree and shrub still clinging to pale brittle leaves. In the far distance white caps streaked high ridges, evidence of a recent snow soon to cover the valley. Dignitaries embellished the informal excitement huddling round a large metal drum filled with burning wood. Grandmothers shared fresh baked bread combined with their larder endeavors. Shiny urns of coffee and cider flowed near an elderly farmer entertaining the gathers with his mouth harp. Children chased dogs and dogs chased children.
As a casual observer one could become lost in the energy and movement of the event, yet with little effort one could see the greatest focus was on the rink. Arms of all lengths hung over the wooden boards examining the giant curved rectangle with a critical eye. First skaters sat crowded upon long benches, at their feet a path of ice leading to the gate draped with cedar branches bound by red ribbon. Legs shift back and forth, hands cupped against cheeks, tiny streams of steam pass from mouths over heavy caps and scarves.
With few words the dignitaries wave their arms lifting the green and red drape. Young and old flow down the frozen path, through the gap and then the long anticipated meeting … between metal and ice. Gloves and mittens clap while dogs bark. The old farmer smiles displaying what is left of his teeth. Edges create designs below while young crows trace the patterns in the sky above. For a moment there is a vision of perfection before the sun lowers and snow begins to fall.
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